Friday, January 15, 2010

My Dream Chronicles- The Window To My Dreams

Me,Myself And I:The Destiny To My Dreams

All was serene, all was calm and all was tranquil. When suddenly the earth shook with all its vigorous glory. The sky gleamed with all its mighty effort adorning the earth with the fullness of its existence. “I AM THE KING, THE WORLD MY ETERNAL PLAYGROUND AND ITS PEOPLE MY OBEDIENT SUBJECTS”. I saw Me, Myself and I in this conundrum trying to solve the puzzle of life and the purpose of its receipt by the creator amidst the pandemonium in the universe.

I couldn’t picture my image properly. It seemed hazy and blurred. But I could see the dream as if the vision were through the eyes of reality. Governed as I was by my instincts, passions and desires that churned in the ocean of existence, I was looking for a hope. I saw a chariot. A chariot which promised its master unfulfilled glory, fame and peaks that were just waiting to be conquered. As I moved the reigns of this chariot the horse of emotions guided me on my way with the wheels of ethics gliding in sync. In this glory though, I never failed to realise the earth from which I had emanated and the greatness of the creator whose existence I thought I would justify.

On my way I had a thirst that I found tough to quench. The thirst for knowledge it was and alas! It was a thirst that never disappeared. The more I consumed the more I needed to be consumed by the ignorance of the things around me. Amidst all this I moved on to ask the purpose of my life, the meaning of my existence and the aim of my being. The soul I thought would have the answer. But it didn’t. I continued without an end for my journey.

What I needed was ambition I thought. I formed one. I will scale that peak of fame I said. I saw the chariot like Alexander had seen his stallion. I knew not what I would see in the realms of reality that were to unfold in front of me. Ride it, I thought and ride I did. I reached the top of the topmost peak, scaled the top of the topmost heights, touched the top of the topmost fame yet I could see that the horizon kept shifting up with each upward movement. The sky looked further out of reach with every step.

Leadership I thought was the answer of my search. I went further into the dungeons of danger beneath a castle far away, only to find a mighty sword as an answer to my prayers. I wielded my sword of leadership in front of the countless tiny subjects whom I couldn’t make out with all the vision in my eyes. The higher I wielded the sword the smaller they became and more difficult it was for me to reach out to each one of them. I needed them all I said. I will win them all I thought. I will have them all I perceived and I DID. I took the sword and passed it to each one of those in the crowd to hold, for each one of them to feel, for each one of them to believe. Believe they did. I beamed. I had won them all and with that, the glory of leadership I had craved for. I ordered to get my sword back. I had surmounted another one of those tasks that my maker had destined for me to reach. Yet I felt there being a surge of not being appreciated, not feeling enough, not feeling fulfilled. Disgust is all I knew and disgust is all I got from all those who had just cheered some moments ago in the song of my glory.

Love I thought. Love would, I guess do it for me. I moved on the chariot like no rider before me had in the existence of this world searching for that one thing called love. A saint met me in my way. I asked him “Your holiness what makes you come by this way, wasn’t love to be found beyond this path”. ‘Your path is the one that you form for the sustenance of your existence’ he said and disappeared. “What was that” I wondered? A dream within a dream shouted my horse. I said yes I am going fine. I fed him with all the grass that could be consumed. Was this love enough, probably not I exclaimed. I saw a woman move. Chafing through the grass in the sunshine. Wearing a hood which hid her face but yet illuminated her skin. Bringing with it the light that was enough to illuminate the universe. I tried hard to see who she was but couldn’t make out the face. Speak will you I asked. Speak she did. Reach inside of yourself, reach your inner voice, reach your conscience and you will get thy peace and on reaching thy peace you will fulfil thy makers destiny.

Ride with me on my back I asked her for I don’t know where the road ahead inside my mind would take me. Ride I won’t she said because you wouldn’t need me in the place that you are bound for because I am just a small manifestation of the infinite love that exists within you. See it and you will know where to find me in my finest form.

I got down from my horse (resembling a broken gladiator). I put down the sword of my pride to the ground. I patted the back of my horse and he ran miles towards his own freedom. “Oh dear mind of mine, do open your arms for me to hold, your body for me to hug and your shoulder for me to cry. For I seek for peace and I need to find him within thee”.

Open I said, Open it did. Open was the gate of heaven inside my subconscious mind. I had reached the peace I sought for. The thirst for which I had a want for. The greatness I had claimed for. The ambition I had dreamed for and the love that I had hoped for. IT WAS ALL THERE, RIGHT THERE INSIDE MY MIND.

Yours Truly,
NAME: Me, Myself and I
SIGN: The Man Who Was King
Date: Some dreamy night long long ago that I fail to remember