Sunday, May 15, 2011

Freedom From Control

Rejects from the University of the Red Blood Revolution, We failed to see where we stood in the system. We failed to become part of the system. And since we weren’t part of the system we were not part of the society it represented. We were outcastes, the new age untouchables and the same system which claimed to protect our ilk (the man without a voice) refused to even patronise our talents. Disillusioned by the moorings of this system we decided that there must be revolution. Wait a minute it already had happened. We preferred to call it reform.

Why can’t the system foster me as a person? Why can’t it accept me for my weaknesses and utilise and leverage on my strengths. Surely I have a few or is it that I am a mountain of inferiority waiting to be gobbled up in a society of unequal equals. Equality, what a virtuous bitch she is. Can you measure natures by the prism of equality? Can a man who falls be equal to a man who rises? Can day be equal to night? Can the sun be equal to the moon? Can I be equal to you and can you be equal to me?????

I hate equality because it treats me like a clone of a fellow man. It ignores me for the unique qualities that I posses, qualities that no one else has at their disposal the way I do and it treats me on the pedestal of sameness. It reduces me to just another faceless face in the crowd. I am not you and you are not me and I am okay if you disagree with me as long as I have my right to disagree with you. Equality makes me hate myself because it finishes everything that was so specially made in the universe or to be plain unequal everything that was so specifically made in me. Which makes me come to a more important question? How do I measure equality? How do I call two things and deem them equal. Is it possible to equate Sachin Tendulkar of the old and Shahrukh Khan? Is it possible to equate two or more people? Is it possible to judge them on an imaginary scale and say he is better and he is worse??And then crucify their talents by now creating a new all congruent scale. Wow red bloods what a leveller you are, a leveller who grovels one and all to the very pits of human existence!!!!

I have belief in freedom and my exercising of freedom cannot be equated with yours. Our equality must start with our control over ourselves and (best of all) it must end right there. I have doubts in any other form of equality. I resent it; worse even abhor it to the point of not accepting its suzerainty over me. Life is a game of natures. Natures transcend scales, judgements and any other vocabulary injunctions that the human mind can concoct from its linguistic faculties. Red Bloods are propounders of a decadent system. A system that perceives itself alone in full pleasurable joy and considers the sum to to be greater than the parts. It fails to see that sum has the power to reduce the very parts that constitute it to such a deplorable level that its own value at the end falls down because of its disregard to those parts that conceive it.

My journey was to explore my small part in the entire masquerade of life after creation. I had to find my individual meaning amidst the crowd. Certainly there could be order amidst this chaos.


  1. Wow. Brilliant man. When you write about such things, your articles ooze with passion.

  2. That was more than a post, my friend. That was the beginnings of a manifesto! Have you considered going into politics- or on a more basic level, community organizing?
